I love shopping for kids and I'll tell you why. The things available for kids these days are just so amazing I want them for myself half the time! Now I'm not talking about Xboxes and L.O.L dolls either. I'm talking more like the great, not-so-ordinary stuff I'm about to show you here!

This had to be the first gift on the list because it includes two of my favorite things mashed up into one...books and National Parks. Picture yourself and your little one curled up under a blanket on a winter's night reading this by flashlight. Amazing childhood memories!

This subscription box sends kids new recipes to make each month with child-sized kitchen gadgets to go along with them! I did a whole year of this for my daughter so I can personally vouch for the quality of this kit. The developmental benefits of cooking are many. Learning measurements, following instructions, practicing patience, following through with tasks...it's an educator's dream!

Have a little one who needs a little extra light at night to feel comfortable? You'll both be happy with this attractive nightlight that is 3D printed replica of the moon.

Have an artist in the family? They'll love this light up tracing pad, which is essentially a kid-proof light box. Include a pad of tracing paper and they'll be busy for hours.

Piccolina has a "Trailblazers" series of shirts and sweatshirts highlighting amazing women who changed the course of history with their bravery and determination. Pick up one of these colorful tops for YOUR little trailblazer!

This adorable little robot makes coding into a game. Kids create the code and Artie draws the lines!

Fort building for kids is as natural as breathing. These ingenious connectors make it easy for kids to connect sticks together to build forts limited only by their imagination. They work great on foraged branches outside, but the site also sells wood dowels for use indoors during the colder months.

This amazing little book reads like a field guide for kids filled with experiments on exploring, observing and documenting the world around them.

This interactive globe uses an app on your tablet or phone to teach kids about geography, history, environmental science and more! Comes with a passport and stamp so kids can keep track of their "travels".

Are you familiar with Fat Brain Toys? The toy company that specializes in fun and educational toys for kids? They have a subscription box that includes a new activity every month encouraging learning and innovation. It also comes with a bonus Build and Paint Volcano Science Kit!
I hope this gives you some ideas that break the gift mold for your little one this year! There will be much more to come so keep checking back. Better yet, hit subscribe above to get email notifications when a new post comes out. Let me know what you think of these finds in the comments below!
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